WELCOME TO THE connected Collab

Inspire and Empower

Going at it alone can be lonely. As an entrepreneur and business owner I know the feeling all too well. Without the input and inspiration from MY VILLAGE, I’m positive that my businesses wouldn’t have thrived as much as they did. Wouldn’t it be nice FOR YOU to have a crew who you can collaborate with and be inspired by?  This is your chance to connect with like-minded individuals and tap into the collective genius of a powerful group.



  • The Collab is a dynamic and supportive group of individuals who come together to brainstorm collaborate and inspire each other. It’s a proven method to accelerate personal and professional growth, harnessing the power of collective wisdom (aka your own personal crew to support, encourage and collaborate with you). Our collab is a unique platform where your goals, dreams and aspirations can thrive. 

  • I’ve done the things. I’ve opened the businesses. I’ve ran the businesses. I’ve sold the businesses. And during all that, I have made a strong connections with people who have contributed to my success. I GET how important it is to have a group of people who are as invested in your idea or business as you are. When they say “it takes a village” they aren’t freaking kidding.

  • The Connected Collab is a 12-week commitment and we meet once a week for 60 minutes. If you can’t make a session, no sweat! Each session is recorded and available for you to watch at another time that works for you.

  • Because we meet via zoom, you can be anywhere you want! Wear your jammies, call in from your car, meet us while you are on the beach…it really doesn’t matter because wherever you’ve got Wifi, we’ll be there!

  • Our groups can have up to 10 people. We like to keep it small enough to be as effective as possible and large enough to keep it interesting.



Reach out to us via email if you are interested in joining one of our collabs.


Once we place you in the group that will most align with your goals and business, you’ll receive a calendar of meeting dates and ways to connect to your mastermind village.


Our once a week 90-minute meetings are held via zoom. Take a big exhale…you’ve just created an incredible community of supporters of your business and vision.

  • "Alone we can do so little,

    together we can do so much.”



    with only people who are going to lift you higher."


  • "Support is not about fixing someone's problems;

    it's about standing alongside them, offering encouragement and believing in their ability to overcome."

    - U.A.

  • "You can't achieve anything entirely by yourself.

    There's a support system that is a basic requirement of human existence. To be happy and successful on earth, you just have to have people that you rely on. “


Start in November

Investment $2995


  • Engage in high-energy, interactive meetings where everyone has a chance to contribute and learn.  Experience thought- provoking discussions, engaging activities, and workshops designed to enhance your skills and mindset.  

  • Step into the spotlight and receive focused attention on your goals, challenges or opportunities.  Benefit from the collective brainpower of the Mastermind group as they provide fresh insights, strategies and solutions. 

  • Gain access to a wealth of resources, including curated reading lists, industry reports, expert interviews, and tools to support your personal and professional development.

  • Forge deep, meaningful connections with individuals who share your ambition and drive. Create lifelong friendships and a powerful network that will continue to support you long after the Mastermind program ends.

  • Finally find the space and support you need to put your ideas into action. In the Mastermind, you will have the dedicated time to create the momentum you desire with a leader who has already done it.

  • You will have lifetime access to the resources and space answers to your questions in the Facebook Group. This is a community of Connection and your success is the top priority.


Unparalleled Networking: (aka make some epic new buddies)Surround yourself with ambitious and driven individuals from diverse backgrounds, industries, and expertise.  Expand your network and build valuable connections that can propel your success. 

Expert Guidance: (aka people who know their stuff and then some) Gain access to expert facilitators and mentors who will provide guidance, insights, and strategies to help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals faster.  Benefit from their years of experience and expertise. 

Accountability and Support(remember that village I talked about?) Accountability is a powerful motivator.  Your fellow Mastermind members will keep you on track, hold you accountable, and provide support throughout your journey.  Celebrate victories together and overcome obstacles as a united force.  

Collective Wisdom:  (experience equals wisdom and we’ve all got some to share!) Tap into the collective intelligence of the group.  Share ideas, brainstorm solutions, and receive valuable feedback from a diverse range of perspectives.  The power of collaboration and shared knowledge will propel your growth exponentially.